Gutshaus Helpt (Helpt Hall)

The estate with the terrain of the former castle is used diversly.

Helpt, Deutschland

The manor house in Helpt was built in 1884 over the remnants of a previous fort with ice cellar.
The two-storeyed brick building with fieldstone base looks back on a varied history.
As early as 1455, the Bredow family was bestowed the fiefdom of Helpt. Later, it went to the von Oertzens and the von Rahdows until it was bought by the von Dewitz family in 1782.
From 1911, the property with two outlying estates belonged to the Freiherren (Barons) von Bodenhausen.
Since 2013, the house has been in the possession of a landscape architect from Berlin and and serves as a multi-family house.

In der Nähe

Gutshaus Kreckow (Kreckow Hall)

A permanent exhibition of works of Ulrike Rösner and Simon Schade can be visited in the hall

Helpter Berge (Helpter Hills)

The highest elevation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Gutshaus Groß Miltzow (Groß Miltzow Hall)

The entire estate spans 4 hectares.
