Park Hotel Schloss Rattey

Live and enjoy like a lord of the castle - if this wish lies dormant unfulfilled, then you shouldn't hesitate any longer.

Park Hotel Schloss Rattey, Rattey, Schönbeck, Deutschland
Tel: 03968 255010

In the year 1690 the estate was awarded to Georg Henning von Oertzen by Gustav Adolf Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow.
The property was rented to the Mantheuffel family until 1775, when Victor-Wilhem von Oertzen took possession of it. His son Christoph had the classicisitic house built from 1802-1806 on the foundations of an earlier building. It was expropriated, like every other estate in the region, in 1945.
The family had already left Mecklenburg after a failed assassination on Adolf Hitler, in which Hans-Ulrich von Oertzen took a leading role.
After the war, it was first home to refugees, then later a kindergarten, the post-office and an LPG-kitchen.
It is now being re-developed into a luxury hotel.

Park Rattey

The park was formed at the same time as the house was built in 1806. Especially impressive are the thirteen oak trees around the co-called paddock, whose age can be estimated at around 700 years.
Today, the park and the surrounding land is used for viticulture, the northernmost wine-growing district in Germany.

In der Nähe

Herrenhaus Charlottenhof (Charlottenhof House)

The nameless outlying estate was named after Charlotte von Oertzen in 1826 and belongs to the municipality of Schönbeck.

Little Gallery Brohm

The Little Gallery Brohm is an initiative of the “Kultur- und Heimatverein Brohm e.V.” (association devoted to the preservation and maintenance of culture and regional traditions) and was founded in 2002.

Gutshaus Lindow (Lindow Hall)

The manor house once belonged to the Wolgast family and is now threatened with collapse.
